Teaching Philosophy
My Resume
6/07-Present: York College Student
I am currently a senior at York College. I have 102 credits and am studying in
the teacher education department. I have passed my LAST EXAM, Child
Neglect & Abuse, School Violence Workshops, and volunteer my time at P.S. 90.
2/98-6/07: J & R Management Incorporated
90-20 Jamaica Avenue/Second Floor
Woodhaven, New York 11418
Duties: Included running my own business. I ran a group of 25-30 salespeople. This was a management training program that help to put people in their own business. My duties included teaching adults classes about business managing. This also included opening them up in their own businesses. I taught them how to do inventory control, accounting, motivational meetings, setting goals, etc.
Hobbies: Listening to music, cooking, playing with children, planting gardens, and riding bike.
ABC Lesson
*Attention: Parents -Please be sure that you help children and that they are supervised closely during web access since some links may have advertisements.
Audience: Kindergarten (ages 4 to 5 years old).
Subject: The letter “A”.
Topic: Introducing the letter “A”.
Lesson: Looking and listening to the letter “A”.
Introduction: Can you think of a word that begins with the letter "A"?
Task: You will look for two things at home that begin with the letter "A" and draw a picture of it.
1. Look around your home and find the first thing that begins with the letter "A".
2. Share with your parent what you found.
3. Take out your writing notebook and have your parent write out the object.
4. Under the name draw a picture of the object (you may use crayons).
5. Now look for the second thing that begins with the letter "A".
6. Again, tell what you found with your parents.
7. Parent should write the name of the object.
8. Again, draw picture of it in your writing notebook.
9. Go to http://www.funschool.com/ and do activities available.
10. Parents must sign a consent letter confirming that they helped child with activities.
Conclusion: Color activity sheet sent home.
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Big and Small Lesson Plan
Audience: Kindergarten (ages 4 to 5 years old).
Subject: Big and Small
Topic: Introducing big objects and small objects. Comparing and contrasting.
Lesson: Understanding the differences between big and small.
Introduction: Teacher should come in with an apple and a nut and ask children to tell you the difference between each other.
Process: After the introduction of the apple, emphasis will be placed on the size as being big.Together they will repeat that the apple is big and the nut is small. Then they will color pictures of other small and big objects around the classroon.
Major Steps:
1. Compare Apple and nut.
2. Talk about other things in the classroom that are small and big.
3.Then make a drawing of their findings.
Minor Steps:
1. Talk and ask questions about the apple.
2. Talk and ask questions about the nut.
3. Ask children to point out pictures of big things.
4. Draw a few.
5. Ask children to point out pictures of small things.
6. Draw a few.
7. Give children blank paper and crayons.
8. Have children draw a picture of something big and something small.
9. Have the children show their picture to the class and tell them what they drew.
Conclusion: End the lesson by putting stickers on their work!
Give children an assignment to point out with someone at home big and small things.
My Reaction
Experiences with Educational Philosophy Approach
2. I have found that I perform to my best potential when there is respect between student and teacher with no one in more power than the other.
3. I have found that my interest and motivation to learn are greater when the classroom is more student centered than teacher centered.